Sources of input for the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement Virtual SB 2021

June 2021

Thank you chair. 

I am Marine Pouget, speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network. 

For CAN, The Global Stocktake is essential  to ensure the implementation of the Paris Agreement. It is the heart of the Paris ambition mechanism as it provides Parties a common occasion to raise their ambition. And by Ambition, we mean all aspects: mitigation, adaptation, means of implementation and support, finance flows, loss and damages, science, and of course equity. Thus, the ultimate goal of the GST is to protect people from the impacts of climate change and support them to mitigate and adapt. It is the only way to ensure the safety of people and nature across the globe.

Non-state actors’ inputs are crucial for a successful GST. We will address two questions related to this tonight:

  • Firstly, what kind of inputs would non-Party-stakeholders be able to give? The GST will benefit from the very diverse inputs that non-state actors can provide. We, as NGOs, can contribute to important data analysis, such as relating to gaps in the quantity and quality of finance flows. But we would have an even more interesting and detailed contribution on best practices and lessons learned. What are the success stories from different countries and regions, to mitigate climate change, or to adapt? What are the best practices we can share to encourage Parties to raise the ambition of their NDCs?
  • Secondly, how do we want to give inputs? We see at least three possible ways. 
    • First, in order for our inputs to actually be useful to the global stocktake, they must be available. For us, the most straightforward solution is to also make observer inputs available through the online portal for GST inputs that the secretariat is preparing to house inputs from parties and other sources. 
    • Secondly, we need to be part of the discussions. Such as during the Talanoa Dialogue, or other processes such as ACE, we should be able to participate in workshops, roundtables, preparation meetings with parties and other stakeholders, to be part of the process. 
    • Thirdly, we could also bring contributions through our national governments, by supporting inputs they are making. But this is not a process that is accessible for all NGOs: Parties should demonstrate openness and work in collaboration with local and national NGOs while making their inputs.
    • Finally, we’ve read with interest the idea in the SB chairs’ non-paper to “consolidate and provide” observer inputs via the observer constituencies. There are many important questions and concerns regarding such an idea, but we recognize its potential to lead to fuller participation of observers in the GST process, which we welcome. We are ready to engage with the SB chairs on developing this idea. 

As we are ready to be part of the GST process, not only for the input phase, but for all three phases, we would like to underline that this would be a substantial undertaking from our side, so we want to ensure that the GST processes are developed in a way to ensure our effective participation. In general, we ask the Parties and the UNFCCC secretariat to consider ways to better support and ensure the participation of civil society and local community organisations, especially from the Global South, in the negotiations and the Global Stocktake. We have a lot to contribute.

Thank you for your attention

Download file: http://CAN-Intervention_-Source-of-input-for-GST-under-PA.pdf

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