Ready to go LIVE in 3..2..1..

Excited? I am! We’re hours away from the official start of COP15, what many have already dubbed “the most important (climate) meeting of the century”.
Excited? I am! We’re hours away from the official start of COP15, what many have already dubbed “the most important (climate) meeting of the century”.
But do you know what delegates, observers and even the UN staff look forward to the most after a long stressful day of negotiations?
You got it! The Fossil of the Day Awards Ceremony, everyday at 6:00 pm! We get to call out the “winners” of the day and shame them for blocking negotiations when no one else dares to do it publicly.
In Barcelona, we upped our game by bringing in some outside help… some lost Aliens from Plan(et) B invaded the conference to find “climate leaders”. Perhaps they’ll find some Climate Leaders in Copenhagen so we can award the first ever “Ray of the Day” award live on location.
This time, we have so much in store for you! For one thing, “it’s gone classy!” as remarked by Mr. Jonathan Pershing, the U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change, as he walked by the booth Sunday morning. Oh, Mr. Pershing, you only saw the trophies, you haven’t seen the rest of it yet! I won’t leak too much, you’ll just have to come by the CAN International booth at 6:00 pm or watch us online!
P.S. – If you’d like to join in the movement on a personal level, consider the Fossils Home Delivery Service!