Lessons to be taken from the Workshop on developed country QELROs – May 2011

Developed country pledges: Where are Parties after Cancun?
In Cancun Parties agreed on keeping warming below 2°C and agreed to consider moving to
1.5°C. Parties also recognised the 25-40% range for developed countries. At the same time
developed countries recognised that current pledges are too low, that deep cuts are needed
and that mitigation efforts must be ‘scaled-up’ – with developed countries showing
The workshop revealed that there is urgent clarity needed on the following points:
1. Developed countries must clarify what their true emissions will be, i.e. their
assumptions on forests and other land use accounting, the use of carbon offsets and
hot air carry-over, in order to close all loopholes.
2. Developed countries with current pledges below the 25-40% range must explain how
their low pledges
– should be compensated for by other developed countries making higher cuts
– are consistent with their fair share of the globally needed mitigation effort.
3. Developed countries whose pledges are
– below their current Kyoto targets, and/or
– below BAU under existing domestic legislation and targets (e.g. efficiency
must explain how those pledges constitute progress.
4. Developed countries must explain how their 2020 pledges will allow them to
achieve near-zero emissions by 2050.

… to read the full document, view the pdf above.

View the presentation.

Download file: http://Lessons_from_Workshop_on_developed_country_QELROs.pdf

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