Fossil of the Day award of COP29 presented to Italy
CAN PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release
Fossil of the Day: Italy
Today’s Fossil of the Day goes to a country with a colonial legacy it seems reluctant to leave behind. Pushing fossil fuel expansion beyond their shores and into Africa, through their state-controlled company – Eni.
Today Italy has been awarded the infamous Fossil for being ranked the second largest importers of gas in Europe (2023) and for its special relationship with the COP29 host, Azerbaijan. The two countries trade fossil fuels like Pokemon cards, with Azerbaijan being Italy’s second largest fossil gas supplier. When Italy’s barrels are empty, the first number on their speed dial is Azerbaijan – purchasing 57% of Azerbaijan’s total oil exports.
In recent years this special friendship has blossomed, with Azerbaijan’s gas exports to Italy increasing from 11 million cubic metres in 2020 to 10 BILLION in 2023, thanks to the Trans Adriatic pipeline. That’s almost a thousand-fold increase!
It was even rumoured that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attended the signing of a fossil gas deal between Italgas and SOCAR (State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic) on day two of COP29. Their special friendship is shared across Italy’s fossil fuel companies with Azerbaijani COP29 party invites handed to Eni’s CEO, Claudio Descalzi.
Meloni seems to be stuck in Roman times, believing that “currently there is no single alternative to fossil fuel supply.” Did she not do her homework, or at least follow COP28? Countries across the world are already transitioning to renewable energy. Italy needs to get with the times or risk being left behind in the oil age.
Notes to Editors
- The Fossil of the Day awards were first presented at the climate talks in 1999, in Bonn, initiated by the German NGO Forum. During United Nations climate change negotiations, members of the Climate Action Network (CAN), vote for countries judged to have done their ‘best’ to block progress in the negotiations.
- The Fossil award ceremony takes place at 18:00 Baku time in Action Zone 4 (near the entrance to the pavillions)
Contact: Dara Snead, Communications Officer: +44 7356 160136