CAN Submission:Inputs to inform the dialogue on the ocean and climate change, March 2020

Following decision 1/CP.25, paragraphs 31 and 33, the Climate Action Network welcomes the request to the SBSTA to convene at its 52nd session a dialogue on the relationship between oceans and climate change and the invitation to submit inputs to inform the dialogue.
The ocean is the largest ecosystem on the planet and the most important carbon sink1. Its waters provide food and livelihoods for a significant percentage of the world’s population, making it a key factor in enabling millions if not billions to adapt to climate change. The findings of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) clearly highlight how the climate crisis is impacting the ocean and reducing its ability to mitigate climate impacts and to provide the ecosystem services required for humans to successfully adapt to climate change. But despite the ocean’s importance in solving the climate crisis, the ocean has largely been ignored during climate discussions. The upcoming dialogue has the potential to reverse this trend and for the importance of oceans in climate action to be fully recognised.

Download file: http://can_international_submission_ocean_dialogue_sbsta52_march_2020-2.pdf

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