CAN Submission: Views regarding the scope and content of the second Review of Article 9 under the Kyoto Protocol, August 2007


InCAN’sviewthefirst review of Article 9 under the Kyoto Protocol was a missed opportunity to advance discussions on a number of important issues. CAN believes what is needed by 2009 is a single, coherent post 2012 agreement with commitments adequate to address the enormity of the challenges presented by climate change. The second Article 9 review has the potential to provide input towards this aim, if it is established as a process with a clear work program for 2008. However, CAN sees that the work needed to achieve a comprehensive post 2012 agreement is best served by a comprehensive mandate, to be agreed by Parties in Bali in December. The Bali Mandate will need to be based on the following principles and elements.

Download file: http://2007_Mandate_Submission_FINAL.pdf

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