CAN Submission: Second Workshop of Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheik Work Programme theme ” Enhancing adaptation action and support”, August 2022
Climate Action Network (CAN) welcomes the opportunity to provide its recommendations on the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh (GlaSS) Work Programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA).
Through its global network of members, CAN is in touch with the priorities and messages of local communities and the governments it supports.
For the purpose of this submission, we have kept three overarching themes: 1) key topics for discussion under the second workshop, along with expected outcomes, 2) procedural considerations for the second workshop, and 3) recommendations on the overarching GlaSS programme.
CAN suggests the second workshop should be interactive, inclusive to all stakeholders, accommodate time zones, and report back in a timely manner. The workshop should consider the following five topics:
- Increasing the inclusion of sub-national and locally-led priorities
- Driving planning, coordination and MEL regionally and nationally
- Promoting inclusive approaches in adaptation
- Considering all types of adaptation actions
- Scaling up of finance for adaptation
The GlaSS presents a significant opportunity to advance progress on the GGA – along with other adaptation matters in the UNFCCC – to lead concrete adaptation actions and finance. CAN notes that it is critical for linkages between the GGA and the Global Stocktake (GST) to be discussed
across these topics.
The expectation from CAN is that COP27 should lead to a decision on a permanent agenda item on the GGA in CMA and SBs leading into and by COP28
Download file: http://CAN-Submission_Second-workshop-GlaSS-WP_Enhancing-adaptation-action-and-support_August-2022.pdf