CAN Submission: Possible Topics for the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue to Take Place in Conjunction with SBSTA 56
Following decision 1/CP.26 Glasgow Climate Pact (paragraph 61) to hold an annual dialogue to strengthen ocean-based action, the Climate Action Network welcomes the request by the SBSTA Chair to observer organizations and Non-Party stakeholders to submit their views on possible topics for the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue to take place in conjunction with SBSTA 56 in 2022 and would like to hereby share its suggestions.
This document consists of three main parts: Part A outlines general recommendations for the set-up of the dialogue; Part B incorporates CAN members’ views on key topics/guiding themes and cross-cutting issues to be addressed by the dialogue, including language that recognizes the essential link between the ocean and climate; Part C presents CAN member’s views on the potential structure of the upcoming dialogue and the dialogue series, including views on how to make best use of the dialogues outcomes for them to lead to concrete ocean-climate action and maximize the potential of this action to address the climate crisis.
Download file: http://CAN-Ecosystems-Submission-to-the-Ocean-and-Climate-Change-Dialogue_March2022.pdf