CAN Submission: Observer participation in the proceedings of the Board of the Green Climate Fund, April 2012
Preliminary responses for initial consultation
Our initial response to the questionnaire from the interim secretariat is based on the understanding that arrangements will be made by the GCF Board, including developing and operating accreditation processes in accordance with paragraph 16, section 7, "Observers", Chapter C "Rules of Procedure of the Board", of the GCF Governing Instrument.
We believe that the GCF will benefit from civil society participation/input in a number of ways including increasing transparency, effectiveness and credibility. Thus we invite the Board of the GCF, at its first meeting, to view these recommendations as the initial step in an inclusive, in-depth process for broad consultation and engagement on observer issues and we look forward to further opportunities in the near future to share additional and further developed views with the Board on these important issues.
Active observers according to the GCF Governing Instrument
· Active CSO board observers (1 North, 1 South)
· Active private sector board observers (1 North, 1 South)
Proposed structures for observers
· Alternate CSO board observers (1 North, 1 South)
· Alternate private sector board observers (1 North, 1 South)
· Advisory Committee (helps vet selections for CSO and private sector seats, and helps advise observers once they are nominated, including preparing pre-board meeting materials and consultations; 1 North, 1 South from each of the UNFCCC 9 constituencies = 18 people total)
· Third party facilitator for selection process
· Civil society liaison staff person in the GCF interim secretariat (supports observers)
Download file: http://CSO_engagement_on_GCF_Submission.pdf