CAN SBI Opening Intervention November 2015

Thank you, Mr./Madam Co-Chair,

I am Soumya Sudhakar speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.

2015 was the first year we breached 1 degree of warming above pre-industrial levels, and already, calamitous climate impacts are leaving no region unaffected.

As affirmed by the"2013 – 2015 Review”, there is no question that the 2-degree limit is inadequate for preventing very serious harm to people and ecosystems.

CAN therefore urges SBSTA and SBI to conclude this Review here in Paris with a draft decision on strengthening the ultimate objective of the Convention; and to adopt the 1.5-degree limit as the world’s temperature goal and “defense line”.

Preventing further climate devastation also means addressing the world’s growing adaptation and loss and damage needs.

CAN expects SBSTA and SBI to clear the way for the next steps in the work of the WIM and Adaptation Committee, and to ensure that their work is sufficiently funded to deliver on an ambitious agenda in 2016 and beyond.

We also anticipate affirmation that the WIM will continue its work beyond 2016, on the basis of a new 5-year work plan that should promote new and additional finance and advance on legal and policy frameworks to address loss and damage.

Thank you. 

Download file: http://can_final_sbi_43_opening_intervention.pdf

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