CAN Position on the Facilitative Dialogue 2018, April 2017

The facilitative dialogue in 2018 (FD2018) is mandated to take stock of the collective efforts of Parties towards the Paris Agreement’s long-term goal in Article 4 and to inform the preparation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs), the next round of which are due by 2020.

Since current domestic climate pledges are fundamentally inadequate to remain on a global warming pathway of well below 2°C or 1.5°C as per the Paris Agreement’s objectives, the FD2018 represents a key opportunity for the international community to enhance global aggregate ambition so as not to foreclose the possibility to meet the 1.5°C pathway.

The facilitative dialogue is an opportunity to collectively look into options on how current NDCs can be revised and new ambition can be generated to strengthen individual Parties’ contributions by 2020. It is also an opportunity to find ways for expediting implementation of NDCs while at the same time looking at meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. Finally, the facilitative dialogue is an opportunity to identify ways in which Parties could implement climate action in areas not covered by their NDC or surpass the ambition level outlined therein.

In this position, Climate Action Network outlines its expectations on the outcome and the modalities of the facilitative dialogue to inform ongoing consultations by the COP 22 and COP 23 Presidencies on this matter.

Download file: http://can_position_on_fd2018_april_2017.pdf

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