CAN Intervention – SBI Closing Plenary – 17 June, 2011
Thank you Chair,
My name is Sandra Guzman from the Mexican Centre of Environmental Law and I am speaking on behalf of the Climate Action Network.
We call on Parties to acknowledge the role of civil society, in the designing of the CDM appeals procedure. The CDM has often been criticized for its inability to reduce emissions and contribute to sustainable development. There lacks effective public participation, and meaningful public participation is a first step to address the wider impacts that flawed CDM projects have on global climate change.
On the other hand, while we heard very positive statements in last week's workshop on NGO engagement, we are disheartened that these words could not be turned into more robust action on this issue. It is extremely unfortunate that some parties seek to hide behind closed doors and turn away from more substantive and productive engagement with civil society. We are here to help, if only parties will allow us. We look forward to continuing discussions on proposals that could not be agreed to here at SBI's next session.
It is now and here where Parties can make the difference.
Thank you, Chair.
Download file: http://CAN-_Bonn_2011-SBI_Closing_plenary_Intervention.pdf