CAN intervention – REDD – COP 13,
Intervention given by Paula Moreira on behalf of CAN in Bali on REDD issues
Thank you for this opportunity, my name is Paula Moreira from IPAM Brazil, The Amazon Institute for Environmental Research
The Climate Action Network International believes that:
- To avoid the worst impacts of human-induced climate change, average global surface temperature rise needs to be stabilized as far below 2C above pre-industrial levels as possible. Keeping climate change below these levels is critical to the protection of tropical forests.
- Global emissions must peak and begin to decline in the coming decade and reducing emissions from deforestation has a key role to play in achieving this goal.
- The question is no longer whether deforestation should be addressed as part of the evolving global climate change regime, but rather, how this can be done most effectively and rapidly, while:
- Ensuring equitable and fair incentives to Indigenous and forest people and
- Protecting their land rights and customary land.
- CAN’s objective is to ensure that the development of policies and mechanisms will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation at the national level; fast enough to prevent dangerous climate change.
- Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation must:
- enhance the environmental effectiveness and improve the integrity of the climate change regime;
- be accompanied by deeper and additional cuts in fossil fuel emissions by developed countries after 2012.
- Developed countries must provide substantial resources for capacity building and technology transfer for effective monitoring, measurement and implementation of national and conservation legislation.
- It is therefore essential that the Bali Mandate includes ambition, content, process and a timetable for negotiating a mechanism that provides incentives for reducing emissions from deforestation.