CAN intervention – Opening AWG-LCA Plenary – June 7, 2011

Thank you chair.  
Distinguished delegates.
My name is Lina Li. I’ll speak on behalf of the Climate Action Network.
Global CO2-Emissions in 2010 reached all-time record levels, worsening climate change and
its devastating impacts on the world’s poor. Yields are shrinking, food prices are rising. By
2030, half of the expected increase in prices for staple crops may be due to climate change
Since I was given only one minute to speak to you, here I offer you just three areas where
Parties must make progress in Bonn:
Firstly, acknowledge that you cannot negotiate science. Recognise that global emissions must
peak by 2015 latest and decrease by at least 80% by 2050. Each country must do its fair share
of globally needed mitigation efforts, through addressing domestic emissions, as well as, in
the case of developed countries, provide financial support to developing countries to tackle
their emissions.
Secondly, close the gigatonne gap. Global emissions are far away from any trajectory that can
be called safe. Current pledges are set to lead to a 3, 4 – or more – degree world. Developed
countries in particular are dragging their feet. Their proposed pledges are adding up to only
12-18% reductions. Developed countries must move to the high end of their pledged ranges,
close existing loopholes rather than merrily proposing new ones, and they will have to
increase their pledges even further, as even in the best of all cases their proposed cuts will still
be nowhere near the 25-40% IPCC range required to stay below 2-2.4 degrees, let alone
what’s needed for 1.5 degrees.  
In turn, developing countries that haven’t done so yet, should present their NAMAs and
clarify needs for support to implement them. Also, developing countries should use Bonn to
increase clarity on their assumptions on baselines and other key factors such as energy use.
Thirdly, developed countries should be invited to present a credible plan how they intend to
meet their 100-billion-pledge made in Copenhagen and confirmed in Cancun. Such a 100-
billion-plan should include a set of innovative sources to raise finance, such as a levy or
emissions trading system for international transport ensuring no net incidence on developing
countries to be consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and
respective capabilities.
Thank you for your attention.

Download file: http://CAN_LCA_Opening_Intervention_-_June_2011.pdf

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