CAN Intervention Joint Contact Group – Global Stocktake, SB56

I am Marine Pouget speaking on behalf of the Climate Action Network International
The Global Stocktake is a vital component of strengthening and accelerating the fulfilment of the goals of the Paris Agreement. In practice, this means saving lives, livelihoods and ecosystems. In the settings of this process, the participation of observers and non-state actors beyond the UNFCCC constituencies is critical for the success of the Global Stocktake. Without this, it cannot be meaningful.
The co-facilitators have encouraged new formats at the technical dialogues that have worked well, but which we should learn from : This includes maintaining open and equal dialogue between parties and non-state actors and breaking down the silos between themes and all sectors. We all know that action for mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, sustainable development, global human health and biodiversity, justice, equity and human rights are all inextricably linked, as well as – and the means of implementation needed. We cannot meaningfully discuss systems change and reimagine business as usual in separate rooms.
In this context, we wish to elaborate on our expectations for the joint contact group this year. We see considerable value in a decision text at COP27 that goes further than only extending appreciation to the co-facilitators for their work. A COP27 decision can provide further specificity on strengthening the technical dialogues, empowering the co-facilitators to introduce innovative, inclusive and interactive modalities for exchange of views, and ensure all information gaps are closed so that we can fully and accurately assess our collective progress towards all elements of the Paris Agreement.
A COP27 decision outcome discussed by this joint contact group could also serve to build greater momentum for a high ambition outcome of the GST through 2023 and COP28, sending important signals that can elevate the GST and build a bridge from the technical work done here in Bonn to the ultimate political outcomes taken in the UAE. We need better guidance and understanding on how we can make the GST connect to national and subnational level decisions, what the concrete outcomes of the GST in terms of recommendations and decisions will actually look like, as well as clear signals from Parties that embeds the GST in the political rhythm of 2023 including at leaders level summits such as that due to be convened by the UN Secretary General.
We welcome the framing of discussions which have been based around the conclusions of 6th Assessment working group reports, collectively accepted by Parties. We look forward to this continuing at COP27, and beyond, incorporating the findings of the 6th Assessment Synthesis Report when made available.
Lastly, we have noted the call from some Parties for pre-sessional work ahead of COP27. We welcome further opportunities to continue the work done so far and would ask for better consideration as to how formats such as the World Cafe at Regional Climate Weeks could be used to build regional discussions on key topics; at the same time, we would emphasise the considerable benefit that holding the technical dialogue during COP27 would have for straight-forward, widespread and effective participation of experts and non-party stakeholders.
Thank you
Download file: http://Joint-Contact-Group-14-June-CAN-statement.pdf