CAN Intervention Informal open-ended consultations on the expectations for the Paris conference
Climate Action Network statement – 9 June 2015
Informal open-ended consultations on the expectations for the Paris conference
Tuesday, 9 June 2015, 13:15-15:00
Thank you, incoming presidency and distinguished delegates,
I am Jonas Bistrom, and I am speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.
The world is looking to Paris, expecting a transformational change. A strong, long-term vision for a world in which fossil fuel emissions are phased out no later than 2050, and 100% renewable energy for all phased in, is essential.
Realising the transformational change necessary requires significantly increased mitigation ambition and finance, with developed countries leading the way.
The needs of the most vulnerable should be at the heart of the 2015 agreement. CAN supports a global adaptation goal that links adaptation requirements to mitigation efforts.
Unfortunately, this is not always sufficient – which is why loss and damage must be anchored in the agreement on an equal footing with adaptation.
Key political issues have to be dealt with soon. We urge you to wrap up what can be concluded early on, and to manage the time that remains efficiently and effectively.
As COP 21 draws closer, the Presidency should welcome broad and globally inclusive civil society involvement to ensure a transparent process receptive to the voices of the people.
Finally, for a legitimate negotiating space, we ask the French Presidency to seriously reconsider COP21’s sponsorship by big polluters and corporations with direct ties to dirty energy.
Thank you.