CAN Intervention – Informal consultations on Article 6 of the Convention – May 18
Thank you chair for giving us the opportunity to present our views on behalf of CAN international. Public support and engagement at the local and national level is critical to the success of meaningful climate mitigation and adaptation policies and we welcome the opportunity to offer a few concrete proposals. In relation to the timeframe of the next work programme, we would suggest that to established a permanent work program that is fully reviewed and amended every four years.
In order to ensure an in-depth review of the implementation of each of the elements of the amended New Delhi Work Programme we would suggest partial biannual reviews that tackle the thematic areas under two parallel groupings:
(1) education, public awareness and training in one, and
(2) public participation and access to information in the second, international cooperation being crosscutting.
These partial reviews should take place every two years on an alternate basis. These reviews could include workshops as well as submissions made in advance focusing on best practices, challenges and gaps in implementation.
When reporting on implementation of article 6 related activities in their national communications, parties are encouraged to report specifically on actions taken for each of the six thematic areas and along the lines of indicators to be developed by the parties during the first partial review applying to each of the groupings.
We call for a mandate to the secretariat to request submissions and subsequently prepare a synthesis report on best practices related to the engagement of all stakeholders on national actions related to the UNFCCC. These actions include: preparation of national negotiating positions and reports to the UNFCCC (including national communications); and efforts to promote public participation in the negotiation process.
Thank you Mr Chair, we look forward to continue contributing to these discussions.
Download file: http://Art6-intervention.pdf