CAN Intervention in the COP18 SBSTA Opening Plenary, 26 November
SBSTA Opening Plenary Intervention
26 November, 2012
Mr. Chair, Distinguished Delegates,
My name is Adriana Gonzalez from Puerto Rico and I am representing Climate Action Network.
Parties must ensure that climate policies encompassing agriculture include considerations and safeguards that protect and promote food security, biodiversity, equitable access to resources, the right to food, animal welfare, and the rights of indigenous peoples and local populations, while promoting poverty reduction and climate adaptation.
Towards this end, SBSTA should facilitate the exchange of views among Parties on, among numerous other things:
· Assessing existing adaptation policies to ensure they are designed to avoid aggravating existing inequalities and to support the most vulnerable.
SBSTA’s recommendations to COP18 for REDD+ on Monitoring and on Measuring, Reporting and Verification must ensure sustainability and permanence of emissions reductions. Building further consensus on reference levels, safeguards information systems and how to address drivers of deforestation is critical for ensuring that REDD delivers benefits for the climate, forests and peoples.
Finally, countries continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidizing fossil fuels each year. SBSTA should ensure its reporting guidelines for biennial reports include guidance to report on the existence of and efforts to remove these subsidies, to facilitate the removal of these harmful subsidies.
Thank you.