CAN Intervention in the Bonn Climate Change Conference SBI & SBSTA Opening Plenary, 1 June, 2015
Neoka Naidoo
Thank you honorable Co-Chairs and delegates, I am Neoka Naidoo speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network. Congratulations on the progress accomplished through the Structured Expert Dialogue, and the presentation of the very comprehensive final factual report.
CAN believes that the deliberations of the SED should lead to a COP-decision in Paris that will strengthen the long-term goal of the Convention to “well below 2 degrees”. CAN is convinced that “phasing out all fossil fuel emissions and phasing in a 100% renewable energy future with sustainable energy access for all, as early as possible, but not later than 2050” is the way to go.
In order to achieve deep emission reductions, action needs to start now with peaking of global greenhouse gas emissions no later than 2015. While near-term emission reductions are necessary to keep the door open to limiting warming below 1.5°C, long-term emission pathways are critical to its achievement. Therefore, in addition to ambitious near-term action, Paris must also outline a vision for a carbon emissions-free future in the form of a binding long-term goal.
Finally, CAN urges Parties to provide opportunities for civil society organizations to contribute to processes that help guarantee transparency of actions, such as the International Assessment and Review.
Adrian Yeo
Thank you co-chairs, I am Adrian Yeo, speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network. Governments need to phase out all fossil fuel emissions as early as possible, but not later than 2050, ensuring that mitigation does not compromise adaptation, food security or social and environmental safeguards.
In line with this, resolving the pending technical issues in relation to REDD+ non-carbon benefits and the development of safeguard information systems is crucial. Without further guidance from SBSTA, there is a risk that safeguards are not being addressed and respected; and result in significant negative social and environmental impacts and jeopardize the ability of REDD+ to mitigate climate change.
The Framework for Various Approaches should develop detailed accounting rules for carbon markets consistent with the overall framework. To promote the highest standards of environmental and social sustainability and to ensure good governance Carbon market eligibility criteria are indispensable.
The fight against climate change does not justify accepting solutions that affect human rights, ignore environmental safeguards, or increase social or gender inequality. And no sector can escape their responsibility to cap and reduce their emissions and pay their fair share of financing, including international shipping and aviation.