CAN Intervention: High-Level Segment, COP26

November 2021

The world is still in the midst of a pandemic exacerbated by the unequal access to vaccines. We are reminded everyday of the painful, unjust and unequally distributed losses and damages we all face, but in particular the most vulnerable countries and peoples. This is a matter of Climate Justice. It is a matter of Human Rights. People are angry, they are suffering, and you are still letting them down.

Your cover decision does not provide justice for the millions already facing loss and damage due to climate change nor does it keep 1.5C in sight to avert future worsening impacts. We need finance for loss and damage now. You must agree to establish a finance facility to do this.
This is the measure of success at this COP.

Developed countries must compensate for not keeping the $100bn promise so far. and commit to increase the share of finance going to adaptation to reach 50% by 2025. We want to see this in the cover decision.

Human Rights and Indigenous Rights have been deleted in this process. Almost all countries who pretend to champion Human Rights were willing to trade off these fundamental principles for crude opportunism. Parties have now rolled back historical victories won decades ago. If you take the science seriously and to keep 1.5 alive, you must commit to halting fossil fuel expansion, halting and reversing the loss of nature, and address the emissions gap by reviewing NDC’s every year not only every five years.

You have 2 days to fix this. We are watching.


Download file: http://CAN-Intervention_High-Level-Segment_COP26_November-2021.pdf

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