CAN Intervention: High-level Pre-2020 Stocktake, COP25, December 2019
Your lack of action and willingness in the pre-2020 period is jeopardizing our chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C and increases the risk of devastating loss and damage.
The adoption of the Kyoto Protocol and later, the Paris Agreement, were landmarks, committing us to act soon, fast and effectively. There is a dramatic lack of leadership from all big emitters but in particular the developed and industrialised countries in cutting emissions. We further urge contributor countries to provide adequate support for adaptation and to address Loss and Damage.
Parties – you all know pre-2020 climate action has been inadequate. Emissions are still rising and have to peak as soon as possible.
We urge you to
- Mandate a work programme on pre-2020 implementation and ambition as part of the Second Periodic Review, to start in 2020 and end in 2022, to identify the progress and gaps on mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity building of the pre-2020 commitments by developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol and the Convention and the Cancun pledges by developing countries under the Convention.
- Take the outcomes and outputs of the work programme on pre-2020 implementation and ambition into consideration during the first Global Stocktake.
The climate emergency demands for your commitment and ambitious action. But lack of action pre-2020 must not be used to avoid action post-2020 by all big emitters. The world is watching and we will hold you accountable.
Download file: http://can_engo_pre_2020_high_level_cop25_december_2019-2.pdf