CAN Intervention – Closing Bonn SBSTA – 26th May, 2016
Thank you Mr Co-Chair and distinguished delegates.
My name is Eddy Perez and I am speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.
The work of SBSTA is critical to moving forward the goals of the Paris Agreement. Submissions in advance of Marrakech could begin a meaningful dialogue that will lead to productive results in Marrakech.
In the lead up to COP 22, CAN calls on governments to make sure that the momentum to implement the Paris Agreement is maintained by progress in limiting emissions from international transport.
Countries must agree to a strong global market-based measure for mitigating aviation emissions within ICAO at the 39th Assembly in October that contributes a fair share effort towards meeting the 1.5ºC goal.
For international shipping emissions, the IMO must start a work program on the proposal to define a fair contribution of the international shipping sector to the Paris climate objectives.
On technology, we recognize the cooperative efforts of parties to develop the technology framework.
In developing the modalities for the accounting of financial resources, Parties must come to agreement about what counts as climate finance.
This should include an internationally agreed definition of ‘new and additional’. A clear definition of the information to be supplied for each financing project must also be developed, building upon the IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiative standard).
Thank you.