CAN Intervention – AWG-ADP Opening Plenary – May 17, 2012
My name is Nina Jamal and I will speak on behalf of the Climate Action Network
Acknowledging the establishment of the Durban platform in COP 17; there is a need to increase ambition immediately AND as part of the comprehensive global climate change agreement to be adopted no later than 2015. Parties must make progress in Bonn on BOTH in order to ensure that warming stays below 1.5 degrees Celsius and prevent catastrophic climate change. There are many avenues through which to increase ambition: increasing pledges to the upper range and beyond, new pledges from countries that have NOT yet submitted any, closing loopholes, phasing out fossil fuels subsidies and adopting renewable energy targets. We could go on! and we hope you do on Monday – but the most important thing is to act and act now.
The Durban Platform must mobilize FINANCE for developing country adaptation and mitigation actions, through an equitable global effort-sharing arrangement, both now and for the longterm. In order to mobilize the needed finance, additional government budget allocations, new sources linked to carbon pricing mechanisms (such as bunkers), and innovative sources of public finance are required. For example, PHASING out fossil fuel subsidies as soon as possible and the FTT, represent an important potential sources of billions in climate finance from DEVELOPED countries and therefore SHOULD be included in these discussions.
The ADP should ensure effective delivery of the $100 billion annual commitment by developed countries, in a manner that enables sufficiently ambitious adaptation and mitigation actions. We all know that $100 billion is not enough and the ADP will need to consider and build upon the work of the LCA work programme on long-term finance to further scale up resources.
Beyond 2020, a work plan on equity within the ADP should review contributions to international climate in the context of equity principles, including CBDRRC, and recognising the changing global distribution of capacities and responsibilities. Importantly the ADP must agree a workplan with clear milestones for agreements in 2012, 2013 and 2014 building a path to success by 2015.
Download file: http://ADP_intervention_-_May_17.pdf