CAN Intervention: ADP Opening Plenary SB40s, 4 June, 2014

Thank you Co-Chairs, 

I am speaking on behalf of Climate Action Network.

As if the findings of the AR5 were not enough of a call to action, melting of a major section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet now appears inevitable and we may have already committed ourselves to 3 or more meters of sea-level rise from this ice sheet alone.  This is yet another reminder of the extent of climate impacts to which society is already committed and that critical tipping points are now being crossed.  At the up-coming Ministerials, emissions cuts must be elevated to a new level.  Workstream 2 must adopt concrete measures in Lima to accelerate the transition to a 100% renewable energy future. 

As governments will soon start announcing their post-2020 mitigation and financial commitments, it will be critical that Workstream 1 agree, at THIS session, on the information to be included and equity indicators to be used when tabling such commitments.  Luckily part of this task is essentially complete as there must be NO backsliding of Kyoto-style commitments for developed countries. Workstream 1 must also make progress on elaborating of elements of a draft text, including addressing critical issues like loss and damage and compliance.

Thank you, Co-Chairs.


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