CAN Briefing: Post-2015 Final Draft from Climate Change Perspective, July 2015
Climate Action Network welcomes the opportunity to offer further comments and recommendations to the final post-2015 draft text in order to progress towards securing a truly sustainable development agenda. CAN believes the post-2015 development framework must be a clear and unanimous call to the world that achieving sustainable development, eradicating poverty and tackling climate change are inextricably linked and at the same time give hope these challenges can be addressed simultaneously.
While some good references to climate change, resilience and sustainable energy were included in the new draft, the text still falls short of incorporating the fundamental sustainable development challenge entailed in climate change and a vision to embrace a future in which we fully phase out fossil fuel emissions.
Key recommendations
The post-2015 final draft must be strengthened, inter alia by:
1. Incorporating clear reference to limiting global warming to 2 or 1.5°C in §27,
2. Incorporating the need to phase-out carbon emissions in §27;
3. Strengthening the role of and support for adaptation (§9, §27 & §28) to climate impacts and addressing loss and damage (§27); and
4. By recognizing climate change is not only an environmental issue, but also an economic, social and political challenge. A strong statement on this interlinkage must be included in the Preamble
Download file: http://climatechangecommentonpost-2015finaldraft_can.pdf