CAN Briefing Paper: Adaptation and Loss and Damage comments on ADP2.11, October 2015

~~The Paris Agreement must signal a comprehensive long-term vision of a world freed of poverty through the social and economic opportunities created by the transition to a low-emission and climate resilient future. Safeguarding developments from climate change impacts will be essential to be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and climate adaptation and tackling the residual impacts and loss and damage are essential strategies to that end. The higher the expected temperature increase as a consequence of inadequate mitigation, the more difficult it will be to close the adaptation gap. Adequate provisions in the Paris core agreement need to ensure political parity of mitigation, and adaptation, and loss and damage, with the latter two on equal footing, and providing a long-term framework for action, while concrete progress needs to be achieved through concrete initiatives, additional finance and further work under the UNFCCC before 2020.

Download file: http://can_comments_adp2.11_text_adaptation_and_ld.pdf

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