CAN Briefing: Measuring what matters in the climate change SDG, March 2015
~The SDGs must contribute to a global low-carbon climate resilient development pathway, to keeping global warming below dangerous levels and to massively scale up actions to adapt to climate impacts. An adequate implementation is necessary to reach the goals at the level that science demands. Well-designed indicators are an important tool to guide adequate action and to monitor progress, to help raise ambition and to measure what matters. In addition, to catalyse action, indicators need a clear timeframe with intermediate goals to have time to adjust and improve. This briefing paper gives feedback to the Technical report by the Bureau of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) on the process of the development of an indicator framework for the goals and targets of the post-2015 development agenda (Working draft), especially to proposed indicators for goal 13.
Download file: http://measuring_what_matters_in_the_climate_change_sdgs_final.pdf