Adessou Kossivi Nevaeme, GNDR
Human Resources Committee Member
Adessou Kossivi is the current regional coordinator of West, Central & North Africa and West Asia of Global Network of Civil Society Organization for Disaster Reduction (GNDR).
Specialist of International Environmental Law (IEL) with a Master’s Degree, he has developed expertise in Climate Change (CC), and Disaster Risk Management (DRM). His expertise is in leading and coordinating civil society organizations and networks, gained through hands-on experience, working in Africa.
Kossivi is currently the global lead of Climate Change in GNDR and contributes with several partners to making Loss and Damage a standalone and key topics to promote solidarity, responsibility and social justice toward communities victim of climate related events.
Kossivi is a strong advocate of shifting power from the international system to community-led capacities, preparedness and response facilitated by the local organizations.
He has worked in Togo, Mozambique, and Senegal covering climate change Adaptation and DRM and development topics.