Janet Kachinga
Global Lead: Network Development and Movement Building
About Janet
Janet joined CAN-International in 2016 as a Leadership Development Programme fellow, and also served as Node Coordinator for South Africa CAN in 2017. She studied International Relations and Political Science at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.
Before joining CAN, Janet worked at South Africa Institute of International Affairs promoting education, capacity development and advocating for youth engagement in governance processes. She worked on creating awareness of and developing implementation programmes for SDGs, and thematic issues such as sustainable urban development, climate change, and humanitarian affairs.
Eager to play a role in the development of policy and strategies that take into account both environmental and developmental needs, Janet is excited to be part of CAN, a network of organisations engaging communities on sustainability issues, and influencing decision-makers and governance processes.
Contact Janet
Email: jkachinga[at]climatenetwork[dot]org