The Platform of Action on Renewables: Diffusing Carbon Bombs, Focus on Africa

1 June 2023

The Platform of Action team partnered with Leave it in the Ground (LINGO) to create an 8-part regional webinar series focussing on carbon bombs and how to diffuse them. This week was our 3rd webinar, we focused on diffusing carbon bombs in Africa.

The session was facilitated by Kjell Kühne (presenter), Director, of Leave It In The Ground Initiative (LINGO); Janet Molingo, Senior Officer, Platform of Action at CAN International; and Dara Snead, Communications officer, Platform of Action at CAN International.

Our panellists were Samuel Okulony, Environment Governance Institute Uganda, #StopEACOP; Joseph Kenson Sakala, LINGO, Malawi; Yegeshni Moodley, Groundwork South Africa; Ken Henshaw, We the People, Nigeria; Kwami Kpondzo, Center for Environmental Justice Togo; Ilham Rawoot, Justiça Ambiental/Friends of the Earth Mozambique.

Useful websites mentioned in the video: Scientific Research – “Carbon Bombs”

Mapping key fossil fuel projects, Energy Policy, 2022…

Mortality of Carbon Bombs –…

Fiscal Damages of Carbon Bombs –…

LINGO King Metrics – https://www.leave-it-in-the-ground.or…

Full List of Carbon Bombs –

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