Briefing: Virtual SB 2021
25 May 2021
The climate crisis is worsening even as the pandemic continues. While COVID-19 slowed down climate diplomacy in 2020, CAN welcomes the June SB session and the emphasis of the UNFCCC Bureau Decision on inclusivity and transparency to “enhance openness, transparency and inclusiveness, effective participation and engagement of observers will be enabled in the same manner as during in-person meetings.” Any procedural discussions must build on this basis to ensure trust in the process going forward.
While CAN is of the view decisions on Glasgow cannot be taken virtually and wants to emphasize the need for full inclusivity as a precondition for the success of the virtual SBs, CAN underlines climate action cannot wait and no party should use the virtual format of these sessions to delay necessary progress. In addition, it is critical for rich nations to acknowledge that the basis for an in-person COP is to ensure rapid and equitable distribution of vaccines globally instead of the current vaccine nationalism.
This briefing outlines expectations of Climate Action Network International towards the virtual UNFCCC SB.