12 Years Left
7 December 2018
There are good surprises and there are bad surprises. The end of the technical phase of the Talanoa Dialogue had a good surprise with some delicious cake to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the IPCC. The latest Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) text had a bad, down-right horrible surprise. Notwithstanding the fact that we only have 12 years left to avert the climate crisis, all Parties could muster was to “note” the SR1.5! ECO was quite perplexed as Parties have welcomed the last two assessment reports (review 5/CP.13 and 12/CP.20 if you have forgotten). So, how could it be that for a report that has put in stark contrast the difference half a degree makes and the need to act now, all Parties could do was to “note” it!?!
And why are we not moving forward on the Indigenous People’s Platform? Indigenous Peoples” struggles and the causes of the climate crisis have a long, intertwined history. Governments and fossil fuel corporations have collaborated to abuse indigenous rights and increased emissions pollution. Protecting and upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples is the most effective and ethical way of mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts. It is the low emissions pathway Parties
have been looking for.
The process of developing and operationalizing the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples” Platform has been delayed multiple times. Political agendas have hijacked the process, shifting it from a space created to uplift Indigenous Peoples towards one which reveals Parties” lack of ambition.
But why are indigenous rights important to limiting warming to 1.5? Moderate climate actions will neither keep us below this mark nor protect Indigenous Peoples. Protecting and upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples is the most effective and ethical way of mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts. It is the low emissions pathway Parties have been looking for. We have the knowledge and the tools already available. All we need is resources and space to be at the table.
ECO would like Parties to take note: the atmosphere does not negotiate. The SR1.5 is not just another report stressing the urgency to act, and the Indigenous People’s Platform is a powerful tool that is being pushed to the side. With 12 years left there is no longer time to “take note” and delay. We need action now.