Poland – Third Time’s a Charm?
4 September 2018
We’re not going to lie: the pace of the negotiations must speed up dramatically to achieve the envisioned outcome at COP24.
Previously in UNFCCC history, when a process had to dramatically increase its pace, it needed bold and ambitious diplomatic leadership from the presidency. Because ECO believes it’s essential to deliver a successful outcome at COP24 we have a few suggestions We’re talking extensive bilateral meetings, multiple ministerial consultations, and heads of delegation meetings in order to pave the way to a successful COP outcome.
There is a need for clear leadership and guidance to substantially advance the discussion here in Bangkok and enable progress on the Paris Agreement implementation guidelines, real and predictable climate finance, and the Talanoa Dialogue.
What does this mean in real terms? We”ve adopted everybody’s favorite format of guiding questions to start figuring it all out:
- Success at COP24 is about the final outcome package, encompassing the rulebook, raising ambition, and scaling finance. What is the Polish Presidency’s vision for a successful COP24 package?
- How will the presidency be using this week in Bangkok to lay the foundations for securing all the elements of a successful outcome?
- Are there informal consultations planned to allow the Parties to voice their expectations around possible outputs from the Talanoa Dialogue?
- What are the Parties expecting to bring to the high-level ministerial roundtables on pre-2020, finance, and the Talanoa Dialogue at COP24?
- What is the strategy for identifying the sticky issues within the rulebook negotiations that will require political attention at the pre-COP? Is there a process in place for the round of informals required to start identifying trade-offs?
- What does the space for discussing, and obviously, welcoming, the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C look like?
- What is the process to go forward? And how liberally will the road to Katowice need to be peppered with ministerials and head of delegation meetings?
- How is the Polish presidency planning to live up to their reputation as the first presidency to create the space to discuss aspects of loss and damage within the UNFCCC workstreams?
Other questions can certainly be added to this list, but you get the drift. ECO hopes to start seeing answers here in Bangkok, so that the COP in Katowice can catalyze the climate action that is so desperately needed for society.