The Great Eight Guiding the Way

9 May 2018

ECO is excited by the progress to a “navigation tool” as the 160+ page text for NDCs was a bit unwieldy. Even more thrilling is that in accepting this navigation tool Parties didn’t forget about “the Great Eight” – the eight rights-related dimensions in the Paris Agreement preamble: human rights, indigenous peoples” rights, public participation, gender, just transition, ecosystem integrity and protection of biodiversity, food security, and intergenerational equity. ECO is pleased to see such a promising development!


To make sure that the Great Eight don’t get lost on the way to Bangkok and Katowice, negotiators need to reiterate their support for these rights-related dimensions that orient Paris being reflected in the decision guiding implementation.


ECO also has a few suggestions as Parties look towards Bangkok. First, Parties should stress the difference between the procedural dimension of integrating human rights in the planning of the NDCs (e.g. ensuring public participation) and the substantive dimension (e.g. considering how the policies proposed in the NDCs contribute to realising societal objectives). ECO hopes that the next iteration of the text will clear any confusion between these two dimensions.


And as Parties build on this navigation tool, ECO suggests they also include other critical rights-related elements such as, food security, ecosystem integrity and the protection of biodiversity, and intergenerational equity – particularly as these elements were all mentioned during the negotiations last week. Parties must remember that if you take one of these elements out, the Rulebook crumbles. So let us fix this oversight as we move to Katowice.


For those negotiators focusing on adaptation communications, transparency framework, and global stocktake, don’t worry we haven’t forgot about you and ECO looks forward to working with you to ensure that the guidelines reflect this unique vision in these other critical aspects of the Paris Agreement’s implementation.


And don’t forget, the closing plenary is an excellent opportunity to shout out the Great Eight!

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