CVF is clear: Step Up!
9 May 2018
The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) told parties in the Talanoa Dialogue they need to step up and enhance their climate ambition before 2020. ECO is wondering if this plea was heard?
The CVF seem to be sensing that parties are sleeping on their laurels while climate impacts ravage their countries, threaten their very existence and cause serious and costly damage and loss of livelihood.
The CVF told parties that their NDCs are seriously outdated. If the NDCs remain as they are, It’s likely that we will just disappear because of the rise of temperatures soaring to 3.7°C. There will also be sea level rise that will drown whole islands, with vulnerable states and flood refugees across the world. So let’s ask ourselves, what is the story we want to tell in Talanoa in decades to come? What would be ideal is for all countries to tell their stories of how they updated their climate plans, transformed their sectors and used renewable energy, people stayed in their land and dwelled in prosperity? ECO asks, which of these two is a better story to tell?
In other words, CVF said: step up and catch up with the real economy. Why are we opting for the archaic and the passé while we can have innovation and avant-garde clean technology and a future?The group told parties to show some political will and step up to the challenge because 1.5°C is a necessity.
ECO joins that call to action and tells Parties: two years ago in Marrakech the CVF stepped up and declared going 100% renewable by 2050, the EU front runners have already heard the message and also announced that they would raise their ambition, China is showing positive signs that it will follow. When are you going to catch up and commit to ambitious climate targets by 2020?