C the Difference?: CGE – CBIT

4 May 2018

ECO, like all of you, wants a strong, robust, and flexible enhanced transparency framework.


One of the elements necessary for building a strong enhanced transparency framework is capacity building and the provision of support for it. A good number of programs, initiatives, and efforts currently exist to support developing country Parties prepare their national reports. As we transition to the enhanced transparency framework, capacity building support is essential to developing countries. Two current programs supporting developing countries in preparing their national reports are the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) and the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT). Though, they both start with the letter C, they should not be confused!


CBIT was created only a couple of years ago and is now up-and-running. While, CGE has been in existence since 1999 and will expire soon, having been renewed for 2014-2018. As Parties debate renewing CGE, let us consider the form and function for each of them.

FORM Consultative Group of Experts that assist developing countries with their reporting efforts under the convention. Capacity Building Initiative Transparency is a fund focussed on country projects.
FUNCTION Support the development of National Communications and BURs. This is done through international panels, webinars, trainings, training guides. It enhances South-South cooperation, peer to peer learning, and best practice development. Facilitate meeting the mandate of the enhanced transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement by strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of developing.

Though they both begin with “C”, we can’t confuse them. CBIT and CGE fill different roles and ECO believes that they can be complementary. ECO knows that capacity building is necessary to realise the goals of achieving Paris, so in the spirit of being constructive: learn from from the challenges,  build on what we know and find an innovative way forward.

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