Addressing Ambition Through Just Transition
4 May 2018
The Talanoa Dialogue is all about getting creative on how to close the ambition gap and ECO is full of good ideas. But one idea doesn’t require much creativity at all – all it requires is common sense: we are in a hole and it is time to stop digging.
Climate leadership is being redefined and climate leaders can no longer get away with expanding or financing new fossil fuel production and infrastructure. With the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and the need for a just transition in mind, there are a handful of wealthy producers that should be planning for a managed decline of existing oil, coal, and gas production to meet our shared climate goals.
Some Parties and institutions are farther ahead and have started tackling fossil fuel expansion, production, and its financing. From bans on exploration and expansion, to cutting off financing for oil, coal, and gas production – there is a growing list of policies that are starting to confront fossil fuels at the source. These first movers are recognizing that we need to tackle supply and demand if we are going to close the gap, and, much like the piano bar at the Hotel Maritim in days of yore, ECO suspects that this club will quickly become the place to be.
ECO invites you to spend your Saturday afternoon hearing more of this exciting first chapter of this story at the IISD side event entitled: Enhancing ambition by addressing fossil fuel supply and ensuring a just transition.