Have a nice Dialogue, Folks!
1 May 2018
While trying to find its way around the new outfit of the UNFCCC website in vain, ECO found some comfort and encouragement to see so many “inputs” uploaded on the Talanoa Dialogue’s website (keep them coming!). ECO thinks this is a great opportunity for building trust and enhancing ambition in NDCs by 2020, and both the number and the content of inputs clearly show Parties’ and Non-Party Stakeholders” (NPS) commitment to engage in the Dialogue. There are four official meeting slots for Talanoa Dialogue and ECO is particularly looking forward to seeing how the Sunday “Talanoa Groups” will go. The proposed format is new and ECO hopes that the new model provides the needed enthusiasm for a dialogue on how to enhance ambition. Some of us from civil society will be there to tell our stories but not all of us have access to the discussion. ECO is thus interested in how the discussion will be captured in the three reports on 8 May and the summary report for the closing session. It would be useful to have at least two pieces of information in the summary: (1) The information about dialogues organized by Parties and NPSs on national and regional levels. Visibility needs to be given to the momentum created by the dialogues. (2) A collection of solutions and ways to enhance NDCs expressed during the Sunday meetings. In the end, the Talanoa Dialogue needs to lead to a concrete outcome on enhancing ambition and such info will surely come in handy!