The Search for Loss and Damage

9 November 2016

Delegates, who amongst you does not have a UNFCCC website horror story? ECO is the first to acknowledge that has improved dramatically over the years, but there’s still one problem area, seemingly designed to drive the casual (or even daily) user to the brink of madness: Try to find “Loss and Damage” on

Go on, ECO will wait for you to try…

…don’t worry, we’re still here.

Ah, yes, dear delegate, welcome back. Don’t worry, we’re here for you. We understand. Or did you get there? If so, kudos! ECO wouldn’t be surprised if you gave up in frustration, though. Or hurl your mobile device in exasperation. Or worse, your laptop.

It seems the UNFCCC web team has not yet understood that loss and damage is now, in this post-Paris world, wholly separate to and distinct from adaptation and worthy of being found in its separate section, rather than hidden in the bowels of the website, only to be discovered via an interminable set of clicks. After all, if loss and damage has graduated to its own Article in the Paris Agreement, surely it can graduate to its own link on the left hand menu of the website.

The Search for Loss and Damage

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