24 May 2016
ECO is thrilled that the first ever Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation (TEM-A) is taking place today. The COP21 decision establishing the TEM-A not only helps to create some balance between mitigation and adaptation, but also puts greater emphasis on the gaps, needs, challenges, options and opportunities for adaptation implementation on the ground. This incorporates means of implementation, including for the improvement of climate information services, and understanding of scientific information at the national level and good practices for reducing vulnerability. This is an occasion to discover and exchange experiences from adaptation efforts in both developed and developing countries, by both Parties and non-state actors to build the adaptation pipeline for action.
The TEM-A should lead to real and concrete action on the ground. It should unlock adaptation finance, build capacity, transfer adaptation technology and build the pipeline for funded adaptation action. It is great that today’s TEM-A is kicking off the discussion, but ECO thought that it might be worth getting into the details and sharing ideas for the future.
Future adaptation TEMs could explore how to unlock support, community and ecosystem based approaches, synergies between mitigation and adaptation, adaptation in urban area, adaptation related to the built environment, adaptation based on learning from communities and indigenous peoples’ knowledge, all of which would help to inform and accelerate adaptation actions.
Scaling up near-term adaptation action is a crucial part of the mandate of the high-level champions on urgent pre-2020 action. They should highlight concrete adaptation work, demonstrate delivery in action, and further strengthen the process. We look forward to applauding the champions when they announce new and scaled up cooperative efforts on adaptation at COP22.