Fast for the Climate
1 December 2015
ECO is happy to see that ‘Fast for the Climate’ is back at the climate talks. ECO is sure that readers will remember Warsaw, when former Filipino climate ambassador Yeb Saño’s impassioned speech sparked a movement of thousands to abstain from eating for periods of time to demand climate action.
Fast for the Climate has taken quite a journey around the world, even reaching the little country of Tuvalu, where they fasted during the Lima COP. ECO even heard about someone who has fasted for the climate every day since the Lima COP, up to the start of Paris.
Today, Fast for the Climate has grown to 10,000 people worldwide. It includes people from all walks of life and many religious backgrounds. Tonight, when they break their fast, these 10,000 people will feast together in celebration of how their actions have brought awareness to their call for a 100% renewable world by 2050, in solidarity with vulnerable countries, robust support to poor countries, addressing loss and damage–and for us all to rethink our lifestyles and lead by example.
If people from all religions, continents and backgrounds can come together to fast, can’t the world’s leaders also stand together to make this COP the one moment in history where the world started to get serious about dealing with climate change?