ECO: Your Wingperson
22 October 2015
Setting up a first date is a nerve-racking process. ECO has been there: spending hours overanalysing the details of what your crush did or didn’t say, writing vague texts that don’t express what you really mean, trying to play it cool by acting non-committal…
Always keen to give out relationship advice, ECO couldn’t help noticing that Parties’ discussions on the first date of the global assessment (still called a “stocktake” for the moment) are in dire need of a helping hand—not to mention their caginess around further developments for the ambition mechanism. Here are ECO’s top tips for Parties on setting a date with destiny for a long-lasting relationship based on mutual understanding and trust:
Don’t delay! It might seem scary, but someone has to initiate and suggest a clear date for your first get together. Why wait? You’re only delaying making your dreams of a fossil fuel-free future a reality! Don’t let all the intensity that’s been building up before Paris go to waste. ECO reckons the first date for an assessment to raise ambition should happen well ahead of 2020. Who’s going to seize the day and suggest 2018? Don’t forget, you need agreement on this in Paris to avoid being stood up!
Be clear about your intentions. If you want things to progress, don’t be shy about these ambitions! Put it down, in writing, that you’re keen to take things to the next level with each successive date. Having the confidence to say how quickly you’ll kick your dirty habits (like that fossil fuel addiction) is a true sign of commitment.
Make a good impression. Don’t be shy in showing your wide range of interests in adaptation and finance at these assessments, too. This will show you can make informed decisions and plan for all eventualities. What a keeper!
Regular communication. Make time for regular check-ins to communicate how you’re feeling about your current level of commitment. Be forthcoming about your expectations for robust transparency and MRV, but don’t be afraid to ask for support. Global assessments to review and raise ambition should take place every 5 years. It’s important to put this in your diaries now. Could there be a more romantic location than Paris to seal the deal?!
Look for your match. Learn about each others’ needs. Are you a developed country looking to support greater decarbonisation? Are you a developing country with a conditional INDC just needing some support? Try establishing a match-box where Parties with reciprocal needs can achieve common goals.