Webcast Media Briefing: State of play in UN climate talks

2 September 2015

Bonn, Germany – September 3, 2015: As the UN climate negotiations currently underway in Bonn enter their final stretch, expert civil society observers will analyse progress made so far and comment on possible outcomes from the session.

As this session ends, ministers are expected to weigh in and provide concrete political guidance on the key issues like loss and damage, in order to guide the formation of a comprehensive and universal climate agreement that should protect people from climate risks and signal the end of the fossil fuel era due in Paris this December.

At present, ministerial guidance seems to be trickling in with starkly different results for different issues under discussion here in Bonn. 

Please join the briefing to hear more.To ask questions of the panelists, email rvoorhaar@climatenetwork.org or Tweet @CANIntl. 


  • Alden Meyer, Union of Concerned Scientists

  • Jaco du Toit, WWF 

• When: Thursday September 3, 11amCEST

• Where: Room Nairobi 4, World Conference Centre Bonn, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2, 53113, Bonn (UNFCCC accreditation required to attend).

• Webcast: The press conference will be webcast live here and available on demand afterwards: http://unfccc6.meta-fusion.com/bonn_aug_2015/channels/press-room-3

Ria Voorhaar, CAN International, email: 
rvoorhaar@climatenetwork.org, phone: +49 157 3173 5568

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Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of over 900 NGOs working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. More at: 

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