What: Climate policy experts to brief journalists on developments in the negotiations in Warsaw.
When: 11am CET, Thursday
Where: COP19 Venue, National Stadium Warsaw, Press Conference Room 2 located on Level -2/Zone E6, right next to Plenary 2.
The press conference will also be webcast live here: http://unfccc4.meta-fusion.com/kongresse/cop19/templ/ovw_live.php?id_kongressmain=259
Contact: Ria Voorhaar, rvoorhaar@climatenetwork.org, +49 157 317 355 68.
- Photocall: How are you going to share the carbon budget?
• What: A colorful stunt to illustrate that the richer countries have largely been responsible for burning through more than half the amount of carbon that can be emitted in order to remain under the 1.5/2° threshold. If we keep burning carbon in this way, the rich countries will use far more than their fair share, leading to catastrophic climate change, and pushing the climate action effort onto other countries.
• When: 12.30pm Thursday
• Location: outside the food court on level 0, C2.
- Event to Launch New Report: This is Climate Change in Europe
CAN Europe is launching an exciting new publication, This is Climate Change in Europe. The report brings together dozens of sources ranging from the IPCC, national adaptation plans, UN studies, official NATO documents and many more to provide, for the first time, a summary of current and pending climate impacts in Europe, on a country-by-country basis.
What: Side event + report launch, This is Climate Change in Europe
Who: Key note speaker: Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Vice-Chair IPCC
When: 18:00 – 20:00 CET, Thursday
Where: EU Pavilion, Brussels Room, 1st Floor, National Stadium, Warsaw.
(Refreshments and snacks will be served)
Contact: Vanessa Bulkacz, wanessa@caneurope.org
More info: The publication will be available for download from 18:00 on 21st November here by pasting this link into your browser: http://www.caneurope.org/upcoming-events/627-21-nov-2013-warsaw-this-is-climate-change-in-europe
- News Release: Christian Aid calls for urgent climate finance to unlock talks