- Climate Action Tracker Warsaw Update launch
Climate Action Tracker will launch its Warsaw update, with revised figures for where the world is really heading in terms of degrees of temperature rise. We will rate 38 countries on how well they are doing compared with their pledges, and how much work there is to do in order to keep global warming below 2degC.
Who: Bill Hare, Climate Analytics, Niklas Höhne, Ecofys, Marion Vieweg, Climate Analytics
When: 10.30am CET, Wednesday
Where: COP19 Venue, National Stadium Warsaw, Press Conference Room 2 located on Level -2/Zone E6, right next to Plenary 2.
- Photocall: Stunt on Fossil Fuel Subsidies Sucking Up the Money
Today civil society asked developing countries "Where is The Finance?". Tomorrow as the high level ministerial meeting on finance takes place we will provide an answer to where some of that finance is.
Who: Civil society will be staging a photo stunt to highlight the massive amounts of public money going to fossil fuel subsidies while climate finance receives tiny amounts by comparison.
What: Witness governments donating more money to the "fossil fuel subsidies donation office" while ignoring those already being impacted by climate change.
Where: Action will happen in zone C2 level 0, outside the main food court
When: Wednesday 19th Nov at 12.00pm, COP19, Warsaw
Contact: Ria Voorhaar, rvoorhaar@climatenetwork.org, +49 157 317 355 68.
- US Climate Action Network: Press Briefing
What: US climate policy experts to brief journalists on some developments in the negotiations in Warsaw. The solutions are there but is the political will? Some solutions like a source for long-term finance could even be hidden in plain sight (special analysis will be released during this briefing.)
When: 3:30 PM CET, Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Where: COP19 Venue, National Stadium Warsaw, Press Conference Room 2 located on Level -2/Zone E6, right next to Plenary 2.
The press conference will also be webcast live here: http://unfccc4.meta-fusion.com/kongresse/cop19/templ/ovw_live.php?id_kongressmain=259
Please note: Not in Warsaw? You may submit your questions ahead of time via email.
Contact: Marie Risalvato, +1 352 514 3217, mrisalvato@climatenetwork.org
Activists spell out WTF – standing for "where's the finance?" at the Warsaw climate negotiations Nov 19.