Bring Your Finance Ministers to Warsaw
10 July 2013
Henriette Imelda
Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)
As the SBs session in Bonn ended in June, there were several issues that still need to be clarified. The climate finance issue is amongst the crucial issues that was barely discussed in the session. The fact that now there are so many different entities that need to discuss climate finance probably has made everybody to go their own way. The Standing Committee on Climate Finance has their own task, Long Term Finance Work Programme also has their own direction, as well as the issue of establishing the Green Climate Fund. The above entities do represent some progress, yet those are not enough.
Clarity on whether the 100 billion dollars will be ready and how it will be deployed are still mysterious. Nobody knows whether the number could be achieved by that time. While the needs of developing countries and least developed countrie are growing, so are those of the small island developing states. This is due to time as well as due to climate change impacts that are currently threatening the above countries.
Long Term Finance Work Programme would have two expert workshops on the pathway towards the 100 billion, and the second part would be the enabling environment. The fact that Long Term Finance Work Programme does not have the mandate to come up with decisions is, therefore, important to have all the discussions within the Work Programme to be delivered to countries related ministers, especially ministers of finance. The issue of climate finance is highly important and that high-level dialogue must be conducted on the issues of finance.
Warsaw would be one of the most important COPs, especially in related to the new agreement that should be agreed in COP 21 in Paris. And the only thing to remind all countries, especially the developed countries, is to bring in the finance ministers to start thinking on possible climate change related, not only the implementation, but also the mobilization of the 100 billion dollars from the public finance. More funding scenarios on how to mobilize the 100 billion dollars are needed fast, not only to be considered, but to be decided.
So Parties, bring your finance ministers to Warsaw!