Important Lessons From My Tuk Tuk Driver on Technology Transfer
5 April 2011
1. Make sure you agree with your passengers from the outset on their destination. Otherwise everyone will end up unhappy and short changed.
Start by establishing the key issues and objectives for the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and their respective roles and interaction, including with national bodies. The priorities for the CTC and its location should be driven by developing country needs. A preliminary list of “To Dos” includes: capacity building; technical help for diffusing and deploying technologies; support for country-driven regulatory policies (e.g. FITs); guidance for countries developing funding proposals to submit to the Green Fund.
2. Work out the best route and agree on the fare.
The point of departure is a scoping exercise on the scale of resources (financial, technical, human) needed to help countries transition to a low-carbon pathway while addressing their development and energy needs. Overall, resources should be focused on filling gaps and not duplicating existing efforts.
3. Know which shops and restaurants offer the best deal for your customers.
What existing institutions are best suited to participate in the technology network? Are there any gaps in areas of technical expertise that may require the creation of new institutions? A database for mitigation and adaptation-related institutions/expertise should be established.
And finally, some handy hints from my tuk tuk driver to ease your journey on the road to Durban:
- Be courageous! Deal with the big traffic jam like Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) head on. There is no need to be afraid of those big trucks blocking your way.
- Be decisive! If needed, weave through the traffic to arrive on-time and at the main destination you want in Durban, which is to establish a balanced and equitable representation on the TEC and other elements to speed up the deployment of low carbon energy in the developing world.
So do as my driver did and hit the gas!