9 December 2009
Climate Action Network (CAN) launched its highly-popular “Fossil of the Day” awards ceremony yesterday on the opening day of the climate negotiations. The awards are given to the country or countries doing the most to obstruct progress in the global climate talks.
First Place – Industrialised Countries
Industrialised countries (“Annex I” countries, in climate-ese) won first place for coming to Copenhagen with a profound deficit of ambition for cutting carbon emissions and keeping warming well below 2˚C.
Second Place – Sweden, Finland and Austria
These countries roared into the fossil leader board for backing a devious EU proposal to cook the books by not fully accounting for emissions from forest management.
Third Place – Canada
Canada earned its first fossil for Environment Minister Jim Prentice’s proclamation that his nation “won’t be swayed” by Copenhagen “hype.” And yet, if there is a country on the face of this planet that so desperately needs to be swayed, it is Canada.
Fossil awards are presented daily in a Hollywood-style glittering ceremony at 6 p.m. at the exhibition area of the Bella Centre. Take the time to be razzled and dazzled daily. For full citations, go to